Masks don't work.
6 foot social distancing is a myth.
Reliable, real, actual scientific data demonstrates all of this. We have assembled the data on this site for you to review - and you can draw your own conclusions. Despite the clarity of the data, St. Gabriel School is operating in a perverse fantasy-land of fear and hysteria. We're psychologically traumatizing our kids. Just as important, we're teaching them to take anti-scientific, hysteria-driven approaches to problems.
Living a lie is never moral. As parents, we send our children to St. Gabe's SPECIFICALLY to learn and grow into rational, capable, intelligent, and moral Christians. Strengthening their minds and critical thinkings skills are large components of fortifying their souls. If we promote ignorance we not only do a disservice to our kids, but we fail in our most critical duties of raising them to be strong, courageous, and moral.
This site has been built and maintained by a number of St. Gabe's families with much love for the Parish and the School. Our goal is not to much to criticize but to offer constructive criticism, and to promote science as opposed to anti-scientific propaganda and slogans.